~Artist: Femke Hiemstra~
International Superstar Pop Surrealist Femke Hiemstra being gorgeous.
~Artist: Paul Hornschemeir~
The Two Faces of Paul Hornschemeir… critically-acclaimed author/artist shows me his dual nature while signing my copy of All And Sundry.
~Artists: Peter Bagge & Steve Fisk~
Legendary cartoonist Peter Bagge posing for a pic just before taking the stage to rock out with local music producer Steve Fisk and their band Can You Imagine?.
~Artist: Jay Ryan~
Rock n’ roll underground poster designer Jay Ryan signing my copy of Animals and Objects In and Out of Water.
~Artist: Scott Musgrove~
Frankenstein naturalist artist Scott Musgrove.
~Artist: Dame Darcy~
Artist, craft queen, and musician Dame Darcy rocking out some pirate songs.
~Artist: Jim Woodring~
Psychedelic comic book artist Jim Woodring signing one of his books for a fan.
~Artist: Jacob Covey~
Ultra amazing graphic designer and Fantagraphics art director Jacob Covey.