Soundtrack: Backyard by Kids And Animals.
Kids And Animals at The Experience Music Project. Seattle, WA.
Adam from Kids And Animals asked if I could come down and take some photographs of his band performing in round three of the semi finals for the EMP Sound Off, Seattle’s underage battle of the bands. He had seen the photos I took from round one of his friends from the band Ambulance (see previous Ambulance, also Tomten). The night was to the bone chilly with snow and rain falling as we left the house but braving the elements was completely worth it. Kids And Animals rocked! They were definitely my favorite out of the three bands I saw of the four who played that night. It’s truly amazing what’s going on in the Northwest underage music scene. There is so much talent brewing and incredible art being made right now. You can check out Kids And Animals’ debut album on Bandcamp.
love cool indeed..